Thursday, 8 December 2011

Nicolini's & Random Thoughts Dec 8th, 2011

So im not going to get into another restaurant rant..Nicolini's is better..but still far from what we are used to back home..and I'll leave it at that!  I also am getting paid for my thats sweet as you can already guess from that statement, I accepted the job..its a higher paying wage, reasonable hours..and as far as I understand (as again, your pretty much left in the dark about everything..) I'm getting paid in cash (prob under the table) so no tax deductions!

Anyways, since my trial i have worked 3 shifts...and I think I've done a pretty good job at teaching myself so far as clearly thats not what others are going to do.  So overall, I like it s far, its nice, good italian food...spendy...and the other waitstaff there is really nice.  I actually work with this one girl from Brazil who reminds me a lot of Stacy's France exchange student- Lulu!

Anyways, moving on to random thoughts...

Random thoughts in the past 2 days..

1.  Its been pretty overcast here, and raining on and off during the day and for most of the nights...reminds me a lot of Holland lately...but its do-able and more of a mist ..the odd down pour, so if your lucky, you can dash to the nearest shop or resty for shelter ..and in 2 minutes you can get back on your merry unfortunately, for my past 2 days off, we have not even been to the beach

2.  Not sure if its the damp wet weather or if in general its a night time thing...but cockroaches are out..and we've seen many in the last few days walking about on the sidewalks during the night....they are about the size of a toonie...redish brown..long antenna's.... and I'm going to stop there before I give myself the 'ebbie jebbies' loll

3.  Theres a mall close by called Cavil Shopping Center...and at the top floor is a gaming room called "Timezone" - Brad was there prior to me so he took me for a tour today to show me how ridiculous that place actually is....its crazy!!! Its every gaming kids dream!  There must be a good..huem..200 games AT LEAST..between fairway games, token games, pinballs, dance dance name it - they got it! Including these ones too:

Back home its.. "whack a mole" but in OZ its "Whack a croc" or "Whack a shark"
Back home its.. "Lazer Tag " but in OZ its "Lazer Skimish" ($10/p.p)
Back home its.. "fooseball" but here its "foose rugby" or "foose 'football' aka soccer"
Back home its .. "ski ball" here its "ice ball"
Back home its .. " air hockey table" - here its "rugby air tables"

Anyways we spent about i'd say close to 30 minutes just walking around this place looking at all the games...the amount of energy that place must accumulate on lighting alone must be mental haha..5000 meters squared

4.  Instead of saying 'lots' of something, ozzies use "Heaps"!
5. No shirt, no shoes no service does not apply here

Thats about all for now folks

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