Friday, 2 December 2011

Dec 3rd 2011 - My trial experience in a Resty

So, I had my first call back for a serving ..or as they like to called it here, "wait staff" position at "Hogs Breath Cafe" (haha sounds appetizing, but its a well known chain restaurant down here, known for their prime rib steak)

I was hanging around the apartment applying for jobs when I got one of my first incoming calls on my cell (exciting..i know lol) Anyways, the gentleman on the other end invited me to come into his restaurant for a 'trial'.
So I went for 5:45 yesterday, not really knowing what this 'trial' was all about.  Bused to Main Beach (which is about a 5-10 min bus ride up the beach towards the Spit)
They gave me a uniform and then the fun began.

Serving in a restaurant down here is much different than back many many ways.

Brads right, customer service down here is horrible...and now I understand why from my first experience being put right in the middle of it!

How Aus restaurants vary from Canada..

1. Sections - yes, there are sections on when the customer gets seated, but after the order is taken, you may have 4 different people who: bring your drinks, bring your meals, clear your dirty dishes & give you your bill.

This makes it very confusing when your not looking after your own you have no idea what stage each table may be at...its crazy!

2. The Bar area: they have a person usually allocated to making drinks, and you have to ALWAYS drop off and pick up drinks with a tray..never with your hands. (Thats for plates only) - so even if someone asks for another beverage, you are to leave it there empty in front of them, go order another, and only when you bring out their new drink on a tray, then you can pick up their other empty glass....(ok, every restaurant has their 'ways' of doing things) But its pretty awkward when they are holding it out to give to you to take lol

3. The Garbage /Slop area:  just a counter with a hole in it, where you can scrape off the dirty plates when customers are done eating and stack in a pile for the dishwasher to grab....

Also..most places I have worked before back home, will have a sink nearby, as most the time your hands can get dirty after doing this...nope not here.  There is only ONE sink to wash your hands (which by the way I didn't see ANY servers ever consistently grabbing new food from the kitchen, grabbing dirty ones, and the cycle continues...) and the sink is located on the complete other side of the restaurant, behind the bar...very convenient...i know!

4. Printing Checks/ Cash:  This restaurant had 3 bus stations..however, they call it something else..
You can only print checks out at two places...1 of the bus stations, and at the main greeting desk...not so convenient when your busy...

Wait staff don't carry floats! So any money you are given is taken to the main greeting desk and put into the  computer there...i have no idea how the cash outs will work as I have not been shown that, but I guess it doesn't really matter when your not being tipped.

5. No tips - the odd table may tip you I guess..but generally its a known fact that you pay what you see and no further tip is required.

6. Not everyones meals come out at the same time- I HATE THIS - I think its really bad service. ..but when your one cares so its all good! lol its crazy, so half the table may get there meals, and 5-10 mins later, the rest of them will be served...and no ones ever put up a fuss..and its just accepted I guess..SO DIFFERENT from back home...people back home would be loosing their shit (as, I mean, Im the same way, I will wait for everyone to have their meals before I start eating, so we can eat all together)

I feel like there are a few more no one is allocated to clean the bathrooms...and if your bored and no one is don't really have to make yourself 'look busy'...they don't clean or wipe down menus etc...and little stuff here and there...that I'm leaving out..but this gives you an idea and the just of how different it is here.

So it was very different working in a restaurant environment where you can take someones order, and theres a good chance you won't see them at all after that.  My trial lasted about 2 hours...and I pretty much just acted like a bus girl..running drinks, meals and picking up dirty dishes.  There was also another Canadian guy there doing the same things as me, so we were both pretty shocked on how different it is here...and it takes some getting used everyone is running might clear a table..and before you can get there to re-set it, someone has already beat you to i feel like, yes its good working as a team, but more time is wasted, as I would have already grabbed the cutlery to re-set and now I have to walk back and put them away..just annoying at times I guess as there is NO ORDER at all

The Manager, who by the way.. looked not much older than myself, offered me a position after my trial..and I unofficially accepted....however, I have another trial tonight at another restaurant, right in Surfers, about 3-4 blocks away from the Hotel we are staying at called Nicolini's (Italian restaurant); so I am hoping this one might be a little better..its smaller, more quaint, older crowd, unlike Hogs which is like a Joeys Only, or Boston Pizza type chain...

Hogs only offered me also a wage of $16.44 + super annuity (which I don't care about), which I'm not pleased with as most restaurants here offer $20-$ I'm really hoping Nicolini's will offer me something better!

I also spent alllllll afternoon getting the australian RSA (responsible server of alcohol) course, (like our Smart Serve) soooo i spent the money there also, along with all my restaurant experience, I think I deserve at least $20/hr!

I wonder if its going to be as similar as Hog's Breath...I will find out at 6pm tonight!

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